
Generating Hugo templates for subsections

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Web Development
3 minutes

I have a posts/ folder added as a git submodule inside the content/ folder, which has close to 40 folders inside it, each folder is what i call a subsection or category. Treating it like a section allows me to automatically set category titles for the files inside each folder instead of having to manually update the frontmatter for each file in that folder.

There are two mains reasons for adding my posts as a git submodule. One was because i wanted to allow general public to be able to edit these posts on Github. The other was that i wanted to be able to easily port all my posts the next time i wanted to change the static site generator, i’ll just add the posts folder as a submodule.

A section cannot be defined or overridden by a front matter parameter – it is strictly derived from the content organization structure.

Now, Gatsby has no concept of subsections. It only recognizes _top level_ directories inside content as sections. So it’d recognize the following structure, all folders will be treated as a section and you’ll be able to get them with .Site.Sections

  ├── algorithms/
  ├── android/
  ├── api/
  ├── armbian/
  ├── aws/

but not the structure below

└── posts/
    ├── algorithms/
    ├── android/
    ├── api/
    ├── armbian/
    ├── aws/

as all folders will return .CurrentSection as posts because for nested sections, this is the first path element in the directory, so: /posts/algorithms/mypost/ => posts.

Keep in mind that in order for it to show up as a section, it must have an _index.html file inside the directory

└── posts/
    ├── algorithms/
    |   └──
    ├── android/
    |   └──
    ├── api/
    |   └──
    ├── armbian/
    |   └──
    ├── aws/
    |   └──

The _index.html could be as simple as

2title: my Amazing section

Get a list of all subsections (e.g. webdev in posts/webdev)

I need to get all sections inside my top-level section (which is content/posts/) and list all the pages inside them

1{{ range (where .Site.Sections "Section" "posts") }} {{ range sort .Sections "Title" }}
2<h4><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title}}</a></h4>
3{{ range .Pages }}
5  <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title}}</a></li>
7{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
  • {{ range (where .Site.Sections "Section" "posts") }} will get an array of all pages inside inside a top-level section called posts.
  • {{ range .Sections } will get all sections below posts/. Each section will have its own .Title and .Permalink
  • {{ range sort .Sections "Title" } will sort the array alphabetically based on section Title

The same code would look like this if you declare a variable name for each array element, e.g. $section

1{{ range (where .Site.Sections "Section" "posts") }} {{ range $section := sort .Sections "Title" }}
2<h4><a href="{{ $section.Permalink }}">{{ $section.Title}}</a></h4>
3{{ range $section.Pages }}
5  <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title}}</a></li>
7{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}

I prefer not declaring another variable as it just increases the code without any major benefit and the wallrus operator := confuses people who are not familiar with Go

If i just wanted to alphabetically list all subsection, i’d use the following snippet

2  {{ range (where .Site.Sections "Section" "posts") }} {{ range sort .Sections "Title" }}
3  <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title}}</a></li>
4  {{ end }} {{ end }}
