
Globals in TS

Access or declare values in the global scope in TypeScript

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Old way

create a foo.d.ts file and declare a var

1// Global file
2var ENVIRONMENT = '@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Environment"]'; // picking up the env value from a Web.config file in .NET MVC project
1// globalConstants.d.ts
2declare var ENVIRONMENT: string
1// foo.ts
2const Sentry = {
3    dsn: "https://iamawesome.sentry.dsn",
4    logger: "Awesome Web App",
5    environment: ENVIRONMENT, // this is defined globally 
6  },

New way

Use globalThis to access any globally defined variables (no need to create type declarations). read more

You must use var (no let or const)

1// Global file
2var ENVIRONMENT = '@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Environment"]'; // picking up the env value from a Web.config file in .NET MVC project
1// foo.ts
2const Sentry = {
3    dsn: "https://iamawesome.sentry.dsn",
4    logger: "Awesome Web App",
5    environment: globalThis.ENVIRONMENT, // this is defined globally 
6  },