
Powershell - An intro

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System Administration
2 minutes

Writing a line to the Terminal

1echo "Hello World!"
1Write-Host "Hello World!"

In PowerShell, commands are called CmdLets (pronounced Command-lets). They are given a ‘Verb’-‘Noun’ format. For example: Get-Date, Write-Host.

Get-Command will output all available CmdLets. You can also get a filtered command list by passing it the verb as an argument to the -Verb flag. For example: Get-Command -Verb Get. Usually the verbs are pretty self-explanatory. For example: Get, Remove, Install, Rename, Set and so on..

PS /Users/aamnah> Get-Command -Verb Rename

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Cmdlet          Rename-Item                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
Cmdlet          Rename-ItemProperty                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

Similarly, you can filter by noun. For example: Get-Command -Noun Host

PS /Users/aamnah> Get-Command -Noun Host

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Clear-Host                                                    
Cmdlet          Get-Host                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Out-Host                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Core
Cmdlet          Read-Host                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Write-Host                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility

Keep in mind that not all command are available on all operating systems. PowerShell on Windows will always have more commands available than PowerShell on macOS. For example, a basic one that is available on Windows is Get-ComputerInfo is unavailable on macOS


PS /Users/aamnah> Get-ComputerInfo         
GetComputerInfo: The term 'Get-ComputerInfo' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

You can check how many commands for a particular verb are available for your OS with the following command

1Get-Command -Name Get* | Measure-Object
  • Clearing the screen output can be done with cls, clear or Clear-Host
  • Find out PowerShell version with $Host.version or $PSVersionTable