
Add a sudo user to an Ubuntu system

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System Administration
1# create a new user
2# sudo useradd meowmeow -m -p '123badpassword'
3sudo useradd meowmeow -m
5# set password manually
6sudo passwd meowmeow
8# add to sudo 
9sudo usermod -aG sudo meowmeow
  • -m or --create-home creates the user’s home dircetory
  • -p let’s you set the password
  • -k or --skel adds skeleton files to home dircetory (you need to pass an argument). e.g. useradd meowmeow -m -k '/etc/skel/*'
  • -aG will append the the user to (supplimentary) group(s)
1# TEST sudo powers
2su meowmeow # switch to meowmeow
4sudo apt update # try a sudo command
1# manually copying skel files
2sudo cp -r /etc/skel/.* /home/meowmeow 
1# remove the user and it's home dir
2sudo userdel -r meowmeow