
Notes on state management in React Apps

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2 minutes
MobXReduxContext + HooksEasy PeasyRecoil
Statusstable, being used in Production at large companiesbattle tested in large scale production appsexperimental
multiple storesmultiple reducersmultiple contexts
ToolingRedux DevTools
Verbosityverbose, but Redux Toolkit to the rescueverbose, but useContext is cool


Observable pattern. In MobX you can directly edit the state tree, unlike Redux where you must dispatch actions in order to update state.

Easy Peasy

data fetching and side effects included

React Context vs. Redux

There isn’t much difference in complexity or verbosity. You still gotta wrap stuff around and write all the reducers and disptach all the actions. The functionality is pretty much the same. The code is also fairly similiar (specially the reducers and dispatch)

By the looks of it, Context isn’t providing anything new or solving an issue better. It’s just replicating what Redux already does, minus the DevTools.

Redux vs React Context hence is not even a competition.

React Context

Context is a way to share state between unrelated or distant components. All you have to do is wrap your components in a Context.Provider and then call useContext(Context) inside that component to access your state and helper functions.

You have to use useContext() with useReducer(). useReducer() provideds the logic for updating your state, give shape to the data in your state..

In your folder structure, you’ll have a contexts instead of store folder

1import React, { useContext } from 'react'
2const { loading, data, more } = useContext(MyContext)

With React Context, the meat of the code is in the Provider. That’s where you write your reducers. Creating the context is just creating a constant, and using the context is also just creating a constant with useContext(). Unlike Redux, there are no action creators.