Here are some interpolation examples for comparison
2string = "${someone} was looking for ${something} in the general vicinity of ${somewhere}"
1// csharp
3// Composite formatting:
4string = "Hello, {0}! Today is {1}, it's {2:HH:mm} now.", name, date.DayOfWeek, date;
6// String interpolation:
7string = $"{someone} was looking for {something} in the general vicinity of {somewhere}"
You can use conditional operators inside the interpolated expression
1Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} year{(age == 1 ? "" : "s")} old."); // Sami is 29 years old.
1// javascript
2string = `${someone} was looking for ${something} in the general vicinity of ${somewhere}`
1# python
2# %s is used for strings whereas %d is used for numbers.
3string = "%s was looking for %s in the general vicinity of %s" % (someone, something, somewhere)
5# python 3.6
6string = f"{someone} was looking for {something} in the general vicinity of {somewhere}"
1# ruby
2string = "#{someone} was looking for #{something} in the general vicinity of #{somewhere}"
PHP has a HEREDOC syntax
1function echo_card($title = "Default Title", $desc = "Default Description", $img = "/images/fallback.jpg") {
2 $html = <<<"EOT"
3 <div class="card">
4 <img src="$img" alt="">
5 <h2>$title</h2>
6 <p>$desc</p>
7 </div>
10 echo $html;
1echo_card($title, $desc, $img);