
C# - 30 Day Code Challenge

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I’ll be doing 30 days (hopefully) of C#, starting with the course on Codecademy. I’ll be happy if i even manage to do two weeks though. A month is a long time to plan for.


Day 9

May 18, 2020

Finished the fourth module of C# Fundamentals

  • Working with Classes and Objects

    • Creating a Class
    • Adding State and Behavior
    • Defining a Method
    • Defining a Field
    • Adding a Constructor
    • Requiring Constructor Parameters
    • Working with Static Members
  • C# for JavaScript developers - part 3

Day 8

May 17, 2020

Finished the third module of Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in C#

  • Identifying Classes from Requirements
    • Analyze the Business Problem
    • Start with the Nouns
    • Define Appropriate Members
    • Consider Time
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation

Day 7

May 16, 2020

Day 6

May 14, 2020

Restarted learning after getting a new Pluralsight subscription, cost me PKR 32000 with a 33% off deal. Figured the amount spent will serve as motivation for finishing the courses. It’s an investment in myself, of course.

Day 5

April 29, 2020

Took a break, because life happened. There was a death, and there was a fire.. Got back to learning today, finished Module 3 of C# Fundamentals

  • Learning the C# Syntax
    • Introduction
    • Working with Code Blocks and Statements
    • Adding Numbers and Creating Arrays
    • Looping through Arrays
    • Using a List
    • Computing and Formatting the Result

Took me about 3 hours, even though i am familiar with the subject and it wasn’t difficult. That’s what it usually takes though, 30mins of video means 3hrs for me. Now i’m worried that the #freeApril will end and so will my subscription =(

Day 4

April 5, 2020

  • Again, did the bare minimum to maintain my streak. It’s weekend, i need to relax, enjoy and unplug. And i’ll not compromise on the quality of my free time. Somehow, maintaining a streak felt like a chore. I should be doing it because i enjoy doing it, not because it’s a chore.
  • Also, i would have done more of my C# learning but i ended up doing a favor to my brother that involved setting up a Linux server and installing Opencart on it so an online shop could be migrated. Then also adding SFTP users to be able to transfer files using FTP software. That took majority of my Saturday and entirety of my weekend learning quota =)

The bare minimum was at Codecademy:

  • Working with Numbers
    • Operator shortcuts

Day 3

April 4, 2020 Was too occupied with other things on the weekend (setup an Ubuntu server with Opencart and added SFTP user etc.). Only did the bare minimum to keep the 30 days streak


  • Working with Numbers
    • Numerical Data Types
    • Arithmetic Operators

The Pluralsight course is much better in terms of it’s knowledge level and thoroughness. Where Codecademy is going on about data types and numbers, the Pluralsight course started with an intro to the dotnet CLI, project structure and debugging in the first section.

Day 2

April 3, 2020

  • Started C# Fundamentals on Pluralsight. They were doing a #FreeApril month.
  • Finished the section on Introducing C# and .NET


  • difference between .NET and .NET Core
  • .NET runtime - CLR and
  • Setting VS Code up for C#
  • Running the project with dotnet CLI
  • General project structure
  • String interpolation
    • inside the {} you can put an expression
    • an expression produces some sort of value
1static void Main(string[] args)
3  Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + args[0] + " !");
4  Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {args[0]} !");
  • passing params to the application
1dotnet run BLAH # params for the dotnet CLI
2dotnet run -- BLAH # params for the application
  • an exception represents an error condition

  • handled exception = yes, i expected this error to occur

  • unhandled exception = halt/crash your program, .NET runtime won’t allow program to continue executing

  • Finished the Working with Numbers section on Codecademy


  • different data types take different amounts of memory. Choosing a data type that takes up less memory will result in faster applications

  • int whole numbers - 76, 2, 978, 12123

  • float, double, decimal decimal values

    • decimal is the most precise. think financial applications precise - 489872.76m
    • double is more precise than a float and faster to process than a decimal. usually the best choice - 39.76876
    • the m at the end of a decimal value tells C# it’s a decimal type and not a double

Day 1

April 2, 2020

Went through the Hello World of C#


  • basic data types
  • outputting stuff to the console
  • reading user input from the console
  • changing (casting) data types