
Install Embedded Dart Sass on Netlify

If you want to use Embedded Dart Sass in your Hugo sites on Netlify, this is how you would set it up in your build environment

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3 minutes

NOTE: In 2023, the Sass team deprecated Embedded Dart Sass in favor of Dart Sass. Embedded Dart Sass is no longer a requirement since Hugo version 0.114.0.

If you have been using Embedded Dart Sass with Hugo v0.113.0 and earlier, uninstall Embedded Dart Sass, then install Dart Sass. If you have installed both, Hugo will use Dart Sass.

The old build/install script for Netlify setups is saved as a Github gist.

Install Dart Sass with brew install sass/sass/sass. Note that npm i -g sass install the pure JavaScript implementation of Sass which is slower than Dart Sass. If you’re installing Dart Sass with Homebrew, you should uninstall the one installed from NPM.

 1# remove the pure JavaScript implementation of Sass, which is slower than Dart Sass
 2npm uninstall -g sass
 5# install Dart Sass (Linux)
 6sudo snap install dart-sass
 8# install Dart Sass (macOS / Homebrew)
 9# /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
10brew install sass/sass/sass
1# List the active transpilers.
2hugo env

To install embedded-dart-sass on Netlify you need to download and extract it to a location that’s in the system $PATH.

  • Create a bash script called and add the steps for installing dart-sass-embedded and building your site in there.
  • In your netlify.toml you’d specify the script as the value for the build command for your context command = "./". The value is a path to the script file relative to your base. If you had an existing command there, move it to the end of the file

Here’s the code for the file

 6echo "==== Installing Dart Sass Embedded"
 7mkdir -p ${BIN_DIR}
 9curl -LJO${DARTSASS_VERSION}/sass_embedded-${DARTSASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz;
11tar -xvf sass_embedded-${DARTSASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz;
12mv sass_embedded/* ${BIN_DIR}
13rm -rf sass_embedded*;
15echo "==== dart-sass-embedded successfully installed"
16dart-sass-embedded --version
18echo "==== building site"
19hugo --gc --minify

improved netlify build logs

The only thing you may need to change in the script above is the value for DARTSASS_VERSION

A successful install is indicated with the output below. If you see anything else, something went wrong..

	"protocolVersion": "1.0.0",
	"compilerVersion": "1.52.1",
	"implementationVersion": "1.52.1",
	"implementationName": "Dart Sass",
	"id": 0

Figuring out $PATH in Netlify build images

How do we know what’s in $PATH when you’re deploying sites on Netlify? Simple, we log it out, by adding a echo ${PATH} to our build command/script. I know from experimentation that the following dirs in the $PATH inside the build image


The /usr/ ones might need you to chmod files in order to work. I picked /opt/build/repo/node_modules/.bin because /opt/build/repo/ is the default base directory in the build image for your repo, no ownership and access issues. I have installed and tested stuff in /opt/build/repo/node_modules/.bin and it has worked fine for me so far.
