
Intro to debconf

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System Administration
3 minutes


  • debcnof is a configuration management tool
  • all the questions you get during installing .deb packages are stored in debconf
  • You can preload answers to those questions to get non-interactive/slient installations
  • needs sudo
 1sudo apt install debconf-utils
 3# get configurable values for a package
 4sudo debconf-get-selections | grep mysql
 6# set values 
 7echo "set mysql-server/root_password YOURPASSWORD" | debconf-communicate
 8# sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password YOURPASSWORD"
 9# echo 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password YOURPASSWORD' | debconf-set-selections
11# show the list of debconf values configured for a package
12debconf-show phpmyadmin

debconf is a configuration management tool for Debain. It let’s you pre-load configurations, meaning you set configuration options before instaling a package. The major benefit of this is during scripting, you can pre-configure the values via debconf-set-selections and avoid entering values in the prompt, getting a non-interactive install.

Debconf keeps all answers to questions packages can ask during installation, both the ones you gave yourself and the implied or low-priority ones chosen by the packager.

When using .deb-packages you’re used to getting asked about licenses, values, locations, downloads etc. All these are stored in debconf. You can preload those answers before so they won’t get asked during installation (a silent, scriptable, install) or to “steer” the package into your desired config-direction.

The only issue is figuring out what the selections mean. For example, if you have gone through the install process of PHPMyAdmin a few times, you might be able to figure out what the five different password selections correspond to.

1# install debconf-utils to get `debconf-get-selections`
2sudo apt install debconf-utils

Find out what values can be configured

1sudo debconf-get-selections | grep mysql
 1phpmyadmin	phpmyadmin/mysql/app-pass	password
 2mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server/root_password_again	password
 3dbconfig-common	dbconfig-common/mysql/admin-pass	password
 4dbconfig-common	dbconfig-common/mysql/app-pass	password
 5phpmyadmin	phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-pass	password
 6mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server/root_password	password
 7mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server-5.7/really_downgrade	boolean	false
 8phpmyadmin	phpmyadmin/mysql/method	select	Unix socket
 9dbconfig-common	dbconfig-common/mysql/admin-user	string
10dbconfig-common	dbconfig-common/mysql/method	select	Unix socket
11phpmyadmin	phpmyadmin/database-type	select	mysql
12mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server/password_mismatch	error
13mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server/no_upgrade_when_using_ndb	error
14phpmyadmin	phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-user	string	debian-sys-maint
15mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server-5.7/nis_warning	note
16mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server-5.7/postrm_remove_databases	boolean	false
17mysql-server-5.7	mysql-server-5.7/start_on_boot	boolean	true

Set/Confgiure values

1sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password YOURPASSWORD"
2# OR
3echo 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password YOURPASSWORD' | debconf-set-selections
4# OR
5echo "set mysql-server/root_password YOURPASSWORD" | debconf-communicate

Get details about an already configured package

Show the list of debconf values that a package has stored

1# debconf-show packagename
2debconf-show phpmyadmin
 1  phpmyadmin/password-confirm: (password omitted)
 2  phpmyadmin/app-password-confirm: (password omitted)
 3  phpmyadmin/setup-password: (password omitted)
 4  phpmyadmin/mysql/app-pass: (password omitted)
 5  phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-pass: (password omitted)
 6  phpmyadmin/remote/host: localhost
 7  phpmyadmin/upgrade-backup: true
 8  phpmyadmin/dbconfig-upgrade: true
 9  phpmyadmin/dbconfig-reinstall: false
10  phpmyadmin/db/dbname: phpmyadmin
11  phpmyadmin/passwords-do-not-match:
12* phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-user: debian-sys-maint
13  phpmyadmin/internal/reconfiguring: false
14  phpmyadmin/database-type: mysql
15  phpmyadmin/setup-username: admin
16  phpmyadmin/missing-db-package-error: abort
17  phpmyadmin/remove-error: abort
18  phpmyadmin/upgrade-error: abort
19  phpmyadmin/install-error: abort
20  phpmyadmin/dbconfig-remove: true
21  phpmyadmin/remote/port:
22  phpmyadmin/purge: false
23* phpmyadmin/reconfigure-webserver: apache2
24  phpmyadmin/db/app-user: phpmyadmin
25  phpmyadmin/internal/skip-preseed: false
26  phpmyadmin/mysql/method: Unix socket
27* phpmyadmin/dbconfig-install: true
28  phpmyadmin/remote/newhost:

to query the current value of an option in the debconf database

1echo "get packagename/pgsql/app-pass" | debconf-communicate

and to change that value

1echo "set packagename/pgsql/app-pass password1" | debconf-communicate

Getting and setting values with a file

1debconf-get-selections | grep application > file
2# and edit the file, then use
4debconf-set-selections < file
5# to load the changed settings.

Backup debconf configurations

1debconf-get-selections > debconf-selections-backup-`date +%Y%m%d`