Imperative = how to do something, specific instructions Declarative = what to do, doing something that is somewhat already defined
think in terms of components. components inside of components. breaking everything down to components. nesting components. you can create larger components composed of smaller components.
Components = aka widgets, modules
Functional composition is where you write smaller helper functions that you can use in bigger functions.
The only way a state will change or be kept is if you explicitly specify it using it .setState()
(In Angular 1, it magically keeps all your models in sync)
React is just JavaScript. If you’re getting frustrated with React, it’s probably because your JS knowledge is lacking. For example .map()
is very good for generating HTML lists in React. But if you don’t know the JS .map()
method, you’ll wonder what happened.
JSX is just an XML-like syntax for writing React components. You can use plain JavaScript as well, but JSX makes it easy.
The “HTML” that you’re writing in the render method isn’t actually HTML but it’s what React is calling “JSX”. JSX simply allows us to write HTML like syntax which gets transformed to lightweight JavaScript objects. React is then able to take these JavaScript objects and from them form a “virtual DOM” or a JavaScript representation of the actual DOM. This creates a win/win situation where you get the accessibility of templates with the power of JavaScript.
1npm i -S react react-dom
1npm i -D webpack html-webpack-plugin webpack-dev-server babel-{core,loader} babel-preset-react
2"presets": [
3 "react"
1// webpack.config.js
2// html-webpack-plugin
3var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
4var htmlWebpackPluginConfig = new htmlWebpackPlugin({
5 template: __dirname + '/app/index.html',
6 filename: 'index.html',
7 inject: 'body'
10module.exports = {
12 // Entry point(s)
13 entry: [
14 './app/index.js'
15 ],
17 // Output dir and file
18 output: {
19 path: __dirname + '/dist',
20 filename: "index_bundle.js"
21 },
23 // Trasnformations (loaders!)
24 module: {
25 loaders: [
26 { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, include: __dirname + '/app', loader: "babel-loader"}
27 ]
28 },
30 // Plugins to load
31 plugins: [
32 htmlWebpackPluginConfig
33 ]
1var React = require('react');
2var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
4// use the .createClass method on the React object to create a React component
5class HelloMessage extends React.Component({
7 // every React component must have a render method
8 render() {
9 return (
10 <div> // every component needs to be wrapped in a containing element
11 Bonjour {}!
12 </div>
13 )
14 }
17// Render the component we just created
19 // takes two args
20 <HelloMessage name="Aamnah"/>, // component to render
21 document.getElementById('app') // where to render to
Virtual DOM components start with a capital letter. While <link>
is plain HTML, <Link>
is a JSX React component