

  • [Bash] Bash PATH Environment Variable
  • [Bash] Customizing the Bash Prompt
  • [Bash] Reload Bash Shell without quitting
  • [modprobe, lsmod, insmod, rmmod] List, Add, Remove Kernel Modules
  • Add missing Monitor Resolution profile
  • Add SSH Key to MacOS Keychain permanently
  • Basic Unix/Linux System Monitoring Commands
  • Coloring the Mac Terminal
  • Command line color settings (GNU)
  • Configuring WIFI via Command Line
  • Crontab Basics
  • Editing Apache Configuration on a cPanel/CentOS Server
  • Enable macOS like touchpad gestures on Ubuntu
  • FHS, File System Architecture and Directory Structure
  • Find, install and upgrade Linux software
  • Finding Files in Linux
  • Generating an SSH Key and Copying it to Remote Server
  • Getting WiFi details in Linux
  • How do you disable certain package updates using APT?
  • How to change the default editor in Terminal
  • How to Install Git on CentOS
  • How to install Node.js on CentOS/cPanel
  • Image Optimization on a Linux server
  • Install Ruby on Ubuntu
  • Linux - Basic User Management
  • Linux Directory Structure
  • Linux Disk File Systems (ext2, ext3, Reiser, ext4)
  • Nagios
  • Networking Intro
  • Redirection in Linux
  • Restart services in Linux
  • Run JNLP Files on Ubuntu
  • Running AppImage files on Ubuntu Linux
  • Setting up shared network between Ubuntu and Mac using Samba
  • Setup SSH Keys for Bitbucket on Mac/Linux
  • SSH Keys
  • SSH Tunneling / Port Forwarding
  • Stopping, Quitting, Suspending and Killing Processes in Linux
  • Unix: Pranks that sysadmins play
  • Unix: Using pushd and popd for faster navigation
  • User IDs
  • Vi and Vim
  • Yum Transaction Check Errors & Dependencies/Package Conflicts