

  • [ES2015] Arrow Functions
  • [ES2015] Async/Await Functions
  • [ES2015] Classes in JavaScript
  • [ES2015] Default values
  • [ES2015] ES6 Features Overview
  • [ES2015] Generators
  • [ES2015] Map object
  • [ES2015] Promises
  • [ES2015] Set object
  • [ES2015] var, let and const
  • AngularJS Basics
  • Array.concat
  • Array.every()
  • Array.filter()
  • Array.forEach()
  • Array.reduce()
  • Array.sort() - Sorting Arrays in JavaScript
  • bind
  • Converting 24 hour time to 12 hour time using Javascript
  • Converting Arrays into Objects for easily finding values by key
  • ES6 (ES2015) and Beyond with Node.js
  • ES6 Classes vs. Constructor Functions
  • Event Capturing, Event Bubbling and Event Delegation
  • Flow basics
  • Formatting and validating dates in JavaScript
  • Formatting dates in JavaScript
  • Function Statements, Declarations and Expressions
  • Get Current Year in JavaScript
  • Get unique values out of an array
  • Getting started with Express
  • how to redirect a URL in JavaScript
  • Intro to Immutable.js
  • Iterables and Iterators
  • JavaScript Basics
  • JavaScript Objects
  • jQuery and AJAX
  • jQuery vs. JavaScript
  • LocalStorage API
  • Looping over an Array vs. looping over an Object
  • Manipulating Arrays in JavaScript with built-in methods
  • Modules
  • Notes on creating a Chrome extension
  • Notes on handling clicks and taps on iOS devices and touch enabled mobile browsers
  • Notes on using libphonenumber-js for mobile phone number validation and formatting
  • Plain JavaScript vs. jQuery
  • Play sound/video when image/link is clicked
  • Pro tip: Pass an object as function params and use destructuring
  • Prototypal Inheritance and Constructor Functions
  • Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript with code examples
  • Pure ways of editing objects and arrays in JavaScript
  • Quick Intro to Arrays in JavaScript
  • RequireJS in 2021
  • Self-invoking Anonymous Function - IIFE
  • Set `npm init` defaults globally
  • Show a countdown timer and enable button after the time is up (plain JavaScript)
  • Side effects and Pure functions in JS functions
  • Strict mode in JavaScript with `use strict`
  • The myriad ways of creating objects in JavaScript
  • this
  • Throwing errors in JavaScript
  • Timezone Notes
  • Typescript Notes
  • Using environment variables with .env
  • Using Gatsby with the WordPress API
  • What can I do with the DOM? (Examples)
  • Working with APIs using AJAX and JSON