
One day with Go (Getting Started)

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9 minutes

Let’s Go as long as i can till i get bored or overwhelmed.

What do i expect from a day of exploration?

I’m obviously not going to understand the complexities of stack vs. heap, concurrency (channels and goroutines) and garbage collection. I also don’t expect to fully understand stuff like pointers and structs and interfaces and closures and generics and right away (i’m a self-taught frontend dev, remember?)

But i do expect to:

  • get familiar with most of the syntax (comments, variables, functions)
  • get comfortable with the go tooling
  • have a Go environment setup and know how to structure and run projects
  • know how to use bits of code by other people (i.e. the equivalent of using an npm package..)
  • know enough to look in the right places
  • have a better grasp of what i don’t know

It’d also help if i had enough of the background knowledge in system languages to understand at least half the argument. Why is concurrency a big deal? Are other language really doing such a botched job at this? This can be answered by a knowledge of other languages. Why do they keep comparing it with Java and C++? But unlike Java and C++, i can still use it magnificently for frontend, right? (i know about WebAssembly, just wanted to highlight that Go could be the one language i can use since it compiles to JavaScript as well as native code..)

Why Go?

It seems like the best of both worlds. I get performance and simplicity. I can target literally any platform be it mobile, desktop, web or something like a raspberry pi. I can compile to native code as well as JS. So that means i am still connected to my JS roots and can expand into system apps very easily. Ken Thompson is involved. He’s a personal tech hero for me. Thompson’s the creator of Unix and involved with the C language. Without him i wouldn’t have the operating systems i like (macOS, Ubuntu) and we in general wouldn’t have the personal computers as we know them that we have right now.

Google is behind it and it has picked up steam.

What can you build with it?

  • Web Applications
  • Web Services (concurrency is at the heart of Go)
  • Task automation (Go has the simplicity of a scripting language)
  • Machine learning (can give Python a challenge)

What can i do with it?

  • Move my Bash scripts to Go
  • Write web application
  • Build APIs

Programs written in Go

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Hugo
  • Fedora CoreOS (a minimal OS running applications as containers)

Hello World

 1package main // where the program sits
 3import ( "fmt" )
 6The main() function, when part of the main package, identifies the entry point of an application
 8func main() {
 9  fmt.Println("Go Go Go!")

Formatting and Whitespace

  • Whitespace isn’t critical, code will still work without it
  • Tabs are used instead of spaces (you have the freedom of setting the tab size to whatever you want)
  • fmt is the package that’ll automatically format your code. There is a standard set of code formatting practices, which is followed by the tool.
  • Go has ASI (automatic semicolon insertion), just like JavaScript


  • Documentation is built in with go doc
  • The comments in your code make up the documentation for your app/package and can be accessed with go doc

For example, if you wanted to learn how the rand() function from math package worked, you run go doc math/rand and the documentation is right there in the terminal. This is basically very much Linux man pages (which i absolutely love), and so unlike the JS world where half my day is spent on documentation websites (React Native, MDN.. ) for which i need to be online.

1go doc math/rand
package rand // import "math/rand"

Package rand implements pseudo-random number generators.

Random numbers are generated by a Source. Top-level functions, such as
Float64 and Int, use a default shared Source that produces a deterministic
sequence of values each time a program is run. Use the Seed function to
initialize the default Source if different behavior is required for each
run. The default Source is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines,
but Sources created by NewSource are not.

Mathematical interval notation such as [0, n) is used throughout the
documentation for this package.

For random numbers suitable for security-sensitive work, see the crypto/rand

func ExpFloat64() float64
func Float32() float32
func Float64() float64
func Int() int
func Int31() int32
func Int31n(n int32) int32
func Int63() int64
func Int63n(n int64) int64
func Intn(n int) int
func NormFloat64() float64
func Perm(n int) []int
func Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
func Seed(seed int64)
func Shuffle(n int, swap func(i, j int))
func Uint32() uint32
func Uint64() uint64
type Rand struct{ ... }
    func New(src Source) *Rand
type Source interface{ ... }
    func NewSource(seed int64) Source
type Source64 interface{ ... }
type Zipf struct{ ... }
    func NewZipf(r *Rand, s float64, v float64, imax uint64) *Zipf

Creating your own documentation for your programs is dead simple. Apparently it’s conceptually similar to Python’s Docstring and Java’s Javadoc; but i know fancy little about either, so whatever. The important thing to note is that Godoc is better! Because: Godoc comments are just good comments

Godoc: documenting Go code

The convention is simple: to document a type, variable, constant, function, or even a package, write a regular comment directly preceding its declaration, with no intervening blank line… begins with the name of the element it describes.

You can also start the statement with BUG(who): (who means the person who may have more info on this) to indicate a bug, and with Deprecated: to indicated deprecated functionality that is redundant but you’re keeping for compatibility

Running code

You do that with go run FILENAME.go. It’ll compile the program to a temporary directory and execute the application for you.

  • Run a file go run FILENAME.go
  • Run a module go run MODULENAME (it’s a module if a go.mod file exists)

Importing packages

2This is an import block
3it allows multiple packages to be imported without repeating the "import" keyword
4it's what you call a parenthesized, "factored" import statement.
6import (
7  "fmt"
8  "os"

Technically, you can also write separate import statements, one per package, but i don’t see why you’d wanna do that.

1// multiple statements would work too, not really recommended though
2import "fmt"
3import "math"
  • no commas needed when importing. add one package per line as a string (i.e. between double quotes)
  • if you’re using VS Code and the Go plugin, it’ll automatically add the import statement for a package you reference in code when you save the file. It’ll also give you autocomplete and possible options you can use i.e. all the function that are exposed on the package you are using
  • if you import something and not use it, it’ll tell you (no ESlint needed like JS), and it’ll fail the build. I like it. Yell at me if i’m doing random imports, force me to update my code. I have to request for this behaviour in JavaScript by using ESLint.

An example of package not being used and the error you’ll get

1package main
3import (
4	"fmt"
7func main() {
8	// fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
./prog.go:4:2: imported and not used: "fmt"

Go build failed.

Another example of package not being used (unnecessary import) and you getting an error

 1package main
 3import (
 4	"fmt"
 5  "os"
 8func main() {
 9	// fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
./prog.go:4:2: imported and not used: "fmt"
./prog.go:5:2: imported and not used: "os"

Go build failed.


Any name that starts with a capital letter is exported. For example, Pizza is an exported name, as is Pi, which is exported from the math package.

When importing a package, you can refer only to its exported names. Any “unexported” names are not accessible from outside the package.


 1package main
 3import "fmt"
 5func add(x int, y int) int {
 6	return x + y
 9func main() {
10	fmt.Println(add(42, 13))
  • types are mentioned after the variable, i.e. type is to the right of the variable. This is similar to other modern languages like Kotlin/Swift/Rust/Typescript, and different from older languages like C/Java/C#/Dart
  • if the types are the same then you can mention it once for the params, i.e. x int, y int can be written as x, y int


You have about three ways of initializing variables

1var i int // declaration on one line
2i = 42 // assignment on the other
1var f = 3.14 // declaration and assignment in one go
1firstName := "Aamnah" // type is not explicit (let the compiler figure it out) still a var underneath
  • := is known as the walrus operator, and is just syntactic sugar for var declaration, it’s not used for anything else
  • if you initialize a variable but don’t use it, the compiler will yell at you and the build will fail. Awesome stuff! i like that i don’t have to manually do ESLinty stuff with Go that i have to do with JavaScript.

Data Types

  • int
  • float32 and float64
  • boolean

Organizing projects and code

  • We call them modules (before Go 1.3 they were called workspaces)
  • initialize the module with go.mod file with go mod init MODULENAME
  • MODNAME is usually the URL path of the repo (e.g.
  • the URL you mention as the module name is used to identify the place you’d go to to find dependencies
// filename: go.mod


go 1.16


Alright, it’s the end of the day now. I feel like i have learnt enough about Go to not be afraid of it, and be excited about its potential. I also feel i am more familiar with some of the design decisions made while creating this language was created, and why it was created. And i am also a fan of the language so far.

I have done half the Tour of the language and am comfortable with data types, project structure, packages, code organization, and documentation.